katja dechering
Intuitive Psychologist and Medium

Welcome to my website! I am Katja Dechering and here you can find some more information about my work, my hobbies and my creative things.
After pursuing a career in the corporate world it was time to go back to my roots as a psychologist. After finishing my masters in Psychology I didnt want to work in this field and told myself that this was because I was more ‘result’ driven and wanted to do ‘more’ than ‘just talk to people’. However only now looking backwards, I have come to realize that at that time I didn’t feel like I had much value to offer people and that I first had to walk my own journey of self-discovery and learn some life lessons.
After a severe burnout it was time to go back to where my heart really lies and this made me choose to start my own company Inner Joy. Here I can combine all my skills and knowlegde: working as an intuitive psychologist, coach, energetic therapist and medium.
I love action based sports; for years I have been inline skating, speedskating, snowboarding and surfing. Though recently not been doing that all as much as previously, I still love to do these sports!
In 2018 I found a new passion when I discovered Swing Dancing: Lindy Hop and a bit of Collegiate Shag dancing. You can find me dancing at Swing in Utrecht and in the summers I love to visit Sweden. Swing dancing gave me more good reasons to go there as they have the beautiful Herräng dance camp in Summers!
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it is learning to dance in the rain.”
Swing in Utrecht dancing during Lockdown 2020
I have always loved Cats but it wasn’t until when I was 12 that Kitty came in to my life. She was probably a mix of a ‘standard house cat’ and a ‘more exotic’ type. She moved with me all over the world (from Sri Lanka to the Netherlands and many different cities within NL) and stayed with me for 19 years until it was time for her to cross over the rainbow bridge. After that I had my mind set to Maine Coons and Norwegian Forest cats. As I couldn’t choose I got myself one of both and within a year there were 4 baby kittens as well. Unfortunately the dad Maine Coon (Bambam), the mom Norwegian Forest cat (Pebbles) and their son Balthazar have now passed. But the plan is to acquire 2 Maine Coon kittens sometime soon 🙂
“Gentle eyes that see so much, paws that have the quiet touch.
Purrs to signal ‘All is well’ and show more love than words could tell.
Graceful moments touched with pride, a calming presence by our side.
A friendship that takes time to grow. Small wonder why we love them so.”
Author Unknown